As long as I can remember, I have written songs, shared them with friends, made a band and played as many gigs as I could book. I’ll make this happen again, I know! (I miss my band!!!) But when the madness of 2020 hit, I took it as an opportunity to go solo. As in REALLY solo. I did not collaborate with anyone. I started recording all the instrouments to fill out my songs, I recorded voice, harmonica, flute, clarinet and even a real marimba for the first time! (Thanks for the marimba Frank!) Being an extrovert, an anti-social celebration is not something I would usually be proud of, but this was different.

1 year later, I’ve expanded my role as a producer, recorded hundreds of recordings and 20-30 songs then picked my top 8. I focused on those ones and slowly re-learned how to mix a record. I recalled lots of tricks from the hundreds of hours spent peering over the shoulder of my buddy and mixing wizard TJ Berry (RIP)! So now, I have a new record! Just a little finishing touch here and there and its off to be mastered.

I think I will call the album “A stones throw” in reference to a lyric i wrote about the irony of saying the grand canyon is just a stones throw from one side to the other. I spent a lot of time with my kids last year seeking out secluded river banks and hanging around with instruments on lazy summer days. While this batch of songs has a few darker tunes,  I feel like I captured some  hopefulness and joy i felt amidst the all the chaos.

If you can’t tell, I’m SO excited to share these songs, but the one person I will collaborate with is a mastering engineer and that has yet to happen. So for now here is the track listing:

celebrate you
rainbows in my house
human touch
turn to stone
time warp — this one is out now!
better days

I have not set a release date yet but will very soon.  I will print a modest amount of cds, and want to submit this music to my favorite radio stations. I  want to share this music with everyone and as unnecessary as music media is really, I suppose cd’s are still pretty direct & easy, and great for road trips. 🙂